
Women's Rights Are Human Rights is a very fitting title for an exhibition of Women’s rights and advocacy posters, as it is a term used in the women's rights movement and was the title of an important speech given by Hillary Rodham Clinton at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. In her speech, Hillary Clinton suggests that “if the term women's rights were to be interchangeable with the term human rights the world community would be a better place because human rights affect the women who raise the world's children, care for the elderly, run companies, work
in hospitals, fight for better education and better
health care.” 

Yet gender inequalities remain deeply entrenched
in every society. Women lack access to decent work
and face occupational segregation and gender wage disparities. Women are often denied access to basic education and health care, suffer from violence and discrimination, and are under-represented in political
and economic decision-making processes.

This exhibition features posters created by both men
and women to celebrate and acknowledge the vital role that all citizens should play in protecting and promoting
human rights while actively challenging gender inequality and stereotypes, advancing sexual and reproductive rights, and protecting women and girls against brutality.
In their collective visual voice, these posters promote women’s empowerment and participation in society
while challenging religious and cultural norms and patriarchal attitudes that subordinate, stigmatize or
restrict women from achieving their fullest potential.

Organized and curated by:
Elizabeth Resnick, Professor Emerita, Graphic Design
Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston